Succulent care guidelines are not too difficult if you are going to practice them. Succulents are popular plants that have unique abilities. This one plant stores water in the leaves, stems, and roots. This makes it the perfect choice for beginners who want to try their hand at farming. Especially for those of you who live in areas with dry climates. Before having it, you need to know how to treat it properly.

Here’s a Succulent Care Guide for You to Practice
Caring for succulents does require a bit of attention and patience. But before starting it requires proper care steps. You can enjoy the beauty of this plant in the long term. As for some tips for caring for succulents for true beginners, as follows.
Select the Type of Planting Media
Succulents need a well-draining growing medium to prevent the roots from excess moisture. You can mix potting soil with sand, gravel, or perlite. This will create a suitable medium for succulents. Be sure to choose a pot with holes in the bottom so the water can drain freely.
Proper Watering
One of the common mistakes beginners make is giving the succulents too much water. Succulents want a watering pattern that is infrequent but abundant. It is best if the soil is dry before watering it again. In winter or when the temperature is lower, it is necessary to reduce the frequency of watering. This is because the plants will grow more slowly and require less water.
Adequate Lighting
The next succulent care guide is to maintain adequate lighting. Succulents need sufficient light to grow properly. Place your potted succulent in a place where it gets at least 4-6 hours of direct sunlight a day. If the area where you live is hot and sunny.. Consider giving the succulent some shade in the middle of the day to prevent the leaves from burning.
Ideal Temperature
Succulents generally do well in warm to moderate temperatures, around 20-30 degrees Celsius. Make sure your succulents are protected from extreme temperatures that are too cold or too hot.
Succulents need nutrients to grow properly. Fertilization is done during the period of active growth, usually in spring and summer. Use fertilizer specifically for succulents, or you can use liquid fertilizer according to package instructions.
Watch for Pests and Diseases
Succulents are generally resistant to pests and disease, but you still need to keep an eye on them. Watch for signs of pests such as ticks, thrips, or caterpillars on your plants. If you find pests, take appropriate control measures immediately to prevent their spread.
You can start a succulent care guide as a beginner. Keep in mind that each plant may have slightly different needs. To that end, take the time to understand the particular type of succulent you have. Enjoy the caring process and watch the beauty of the succulents grow over time.