How to Choose Indoor Plants Perfect for indoor gardening


In recent years, indoor gardening has gained significant popularity because of the numerous benefits it provides. Apart from refreshing the interior of the house, indoor plants can also improve indoor air quality and create a calmer and refreshing atmosphere. By having indoor plants, you can provide a pleasant natural feel without having to leave the house. This not only beautifies the room, but also improves the overall well-being of the occupants of the house.


However, choosing the right indoor plants is not as easy as you might imagine, especially for those who are just starting out as an indoor gardening hobby. Several factors need to be considered, such as the level of light available in your home, the humidity level in the air, and the space available to place the plant. Each plant has different needs, both in terms of light intensity, watering frequency, and suitable soil type. Therefore, it is important to do research about each type of plant before purchasing it, so that the plant can grow well and healthily in your home environment.

Understanding the Needs of Indoor Plants

Before choosing indoor plants, it is important to understand their basic needs. Each plant has different needs, especially in terms of light, water and humidity. Some key factors to consider when choosing indoor plants include:

1. Light Requirements

One of the key considerations when selecting indoor plants is their light needs. Some plants need direct sunlight, while others do well in shadier areas. Pay attention to the areas in your home and make sure the plants you choose suit the available light levels.
Plants that require high light are usually best placed near windows facing south or west. Examples include cacti, succulents, and some types of flowering plants. On the other hand, plants that tolerate low light such as the ZZ plant or snake plant can be placed in a darker corner of the room.

2. Water and Humidity Requirements

Watering frequency and required humidity levels are also important considerations. Some plants require regular watering and high humidity, while others are more drought tolerant. Choose plants that suit your lifestyle and the time you have to care for them.
Tropical plants such as monstera or philodendron generally require high humidity and regular watering. On the other hand, plants such as cacti or succulents can survive for a long time without water and are suitable for those who travel frequently or forget to water their plants.

3. Room Temperature

Room temperature also affects the growth of indoor plants. Most indoor plants grow optimally at temperatures between 15-24 degrees Celsius. However, there are some plants that are more resistant to temperature fluctuations. Consider the average temperature in your home and choose plants that adapt well.

Choose indoor plants based on your desired needs

Apart from considering the needs of the plant, it is also important to think about your goals in choosing indoor plants. Are you looking for plants to improve air quality, add to the aesthetics of a room, or perhaps for a specific purpose such as aromatherapy? Here are several categories of indoor plants based on their purpose:

1. Plants for Aesthetics

If you focus more on the decorative aspect, there are many indoor plants that can be attractive focal points in the room. Some popular choices include:

  • Fiddle Leaf Fig (Ficus lyrata)
  • Monstera deliciosa
  • Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica)
  • Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia nicolai)
  • Chinese Money Plant (Pilea peperomioides)

These plants have unique leaves and can add a tropical or modern touch to your home interior.

2. Aromat herapy Plants

Some indoor plants can provide a natural aroma that is refreshing and calming. If you are interested in aromatherapy, consider plants such as:

  • Lavender
  • Rosemary
  • Jasmine
  • Geraniums
  • Lemon Balm

Apart from providing a pleasant aroma, some of these plants also have additional benefits such as helping reduce stress and improving sleep quality.

Consider the Level of Treatment Difficulty

For beginners in indoor gardening, it is important to choose plants that are relatively easy to care for. Some plants that are suitable for beginners include:

  • Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)
  • ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)
  • Snake Plant (Sansevieria)
  • Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)
  • Dracaena

These plants are known for their resilience and ability to survive a wide range of conditions. They also don’t require complicated maintenance, making them ideal for those just starting out I like indoor gardening.

Choosing the right indoor plants is an important step in creating a healthy and beautiful indoor garden. By considering factors such as lighting, water requirements, and your goals in indoor gardening, you can choose plants that not only suit the conditions of your home, but also suit your lifestyle and aesthetic preferences.

Remember that indoor gardening is a continuous learning process. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different types of plants and care techniques. With patience and consistent care, you will be able to create a refreshing green oasis in your home.